
Video – Building Rapport & Verbal Pacing and Leading

Hello, Reader!

Every week I try to hold a local study group for people interested in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and other useful mind tools. I also try to video record it so those who can’t attend can benefit.
This week we covered the the process of how to create rapport in a relationship. Rapport is one of the most powerful tools available. It’s the feeling that you are with someone you like and trust. It’s the feeling that begins all influence and persuasion.
We also got to cover the topic of verbal pacing and leading. This is a fun little language pattern that allows you to easily slip in commands and directives about how you want someone to think and feel.

Here is the Video

Both of these topics are covered in the book Mind Control Language Patterns.
If you want to learn more about some very powerful influence and persuasion techniques I’ve had a lot of people recommend my book Mind Control Language Patterns.
Mind Control Language Patterns
Mind Control Language Patterns is a compilation of all the influence and persuasion language patterns I’ve learned in 20 years of practice and study.
David Barron
aka Dantalion Jones


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