When someone thinks “cult” they think of being controlled so completely they can’t think clearly. You never hear of anyone proclaiming “I think I want to join a cult” and yet it happens all too often. The truth is NO ONE is completely protected from the influence of cults.
Not even YOU.
Cult influence goes far beyond the religious cults we most often think of. They can include business cults that take the for of Multi Level Marketing and even political cults that proclaim “the answer” to all our social and economic troubles. Criminals use cult mind control to enslave people in sex trafficking.
The only remedy is knowledge. I have a no-cost download of “Dangerous Persuaders” that will detail the specific of how cults influence others and how to protect yourself from this form of harmful persuasion.
David Barron (aka Dantalion Jones) had an interest in hypnosis since he was a child. In 1998 he began is professional hypnosis career and has work over 10,000 hours with clients from all over the world. He currently is operating two hypnosis centers. David has sold thousands of books under the pen name Dantalion Jones and is currently teaching advanced hypnosis skills to private clients.Media interviews and private coaching/hypnosis can be scheduled by using the contact page on this site.
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